Bill Lindau's photo gallery

Friday, November 23, 2007

Showdown! Draculas's (Darrell Parker)enemies confront him, with Michael Norman as Van Helsing, Mike Warthen as Dr. Seward and John Spicer as Jonathan Harker. Darrell sprained his ankle on opening night. Zac Landolt took the role of Dracula for the newt two shows, until Darrell's ankle healed enough for him to regain the role.

"Anybody wot wants my job, sir, can 'ave it!" I tell Van Helsing (Michael Norman) right after intermission.

"I ain't no bloody mountain goat!" I shout as I quit my job as the attendant. My closing line.

The male cast poses with backstage assistant Kate St. John (third from right) at the end of one of the shows, before she heads off to a special party. Also pictured, from left, are me, Mike Warthen, Michael Norman, John Spicer and Daniel Samuelson.


Dracula (Darrell Parker) puts the bite on leading lady Lucy Seward (Juliet Blanks).

That's no hickey Lucy's about to put on Jonathan Harker (John Spicer)!


Butterworth (Bill Lindau) takes advantage of a little solitude with Wells the chambermaid (Marty Rasums) in "Dracula". She rebuffs him. He shows her his pet rodent and she freaks, telling Butterworth to put the mouse back in the house (so to speak, with apologies to "Friends").
All still photos from "Dracula" by Doug Fry.


"Any more o' yer tricks and I'll take yer new spider away," Butterworth the attendant (Bill Lindau) tells phychiatric patient Renfield (Daniel Samuelson) in "Dracula," which played Oct. 26-Nov. 4 at the Sunrise Theater, Southern Pines, N.C. Presented by the Sandhills Theatre Company of Southern Pines. Dr. Seward (Mike Warthen) watches Butterworth try to control the fly- and spider-eating inmate.
